Organic Fresh Beetroot 500g

IID: 00076526
23 .89 AED
VAT Included


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Beetroot is not only tasty, but also a useful product, both raw and boiled or baked. The composition of this red vegetable includes a whole complex of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. Beetroot contains B vitamins, which are indispensable for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Beetroot contains trace elements such as iron, iodine, zinc, potassium, magnesium, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, copper. Therefore, beetroot is useful in diseases associated with metabolic disorders, problems of the cardiovascular and hormonal systems. Regular consumption of beetroot helps to make up for the lack of iron in the body and prevents the development of anemia. The B9 vitamin folate, which is abundant in beets, supports cell growth and function. Folate is essential for preventing blood vessel damage, which lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. Beets naturally contain a lot of nitrates, which the body converts to nitric oxide.


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