EverLiving Biohacking Multipack Includes Lions Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Shiitake, and Chaga functional mushrooms all in one box

IID: 00089684
699 .00 AED
629 .10 AED
Save 69 AED
VAT Included


Country of origin
My Everliving


Embark on a comprehensive wellness journey with our Full Shroom Service Multipack. This extraordinary multipack brings together the power of Lions Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Shiitake, and Chaga mushrooms—all in one convenient box. Individually, each mushroom offers unique health benefits. Lions Mane promotes mental clarity and focus, Cordyceps boosts energy and endurance, Reishi strengthens the immune system, Turkey Tail supports overall well-being, Shiitake enhances nutritional value, and Chaga brings potent antioxidant properties. Chaga earns the title of "The Mighty Mushroom King." By incorporating it into your morning routine, you're starting your day on the right foot with its antioxidant and mineral-rich properties, providing a boost of overall wellness. Lion's Mane is known as "The Focus Mushroom," supporting mental clarity and concentration when faced with a demanding to-do list and looming deadlines. Lion's Mane nurtures your brain health, enhances cognitive performance, and helps you stay razor-focused. Cordyceps earns the title of "The Energizing Mushroom," providing a natural boost of vitality and activation before starting your workday or engaging in physical exercise. It's a great alternative to coffee, sans the jittery side effects. Reishi is dubbed "The Calming Mushroom," making it an ideal companion for your winding-down routine. Whether it's before bedtime, during yoga sessions, or meditation practices, Reishi promotes a sense of tranquility and inner peace. Turkey Tail is recognized as "The Digestive Mushroom." With its soothing properties, it aids in post-meal comfort and is particularly beneficial if you've indulged a bit too much. A happy gut contributes to a happier life. Shiitake is celebrated as "The Beautifying Mushroom," integrating seamlessly into your daily beauty regimen alongside your evening skincare routine. Enhance your natural radiance with Shiitake's skin-nourishing qualities.


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Country of origin
My Everliving

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